
As a systemic team developer, I help you and your team to establish sustainable learning processes and tailored solutions in order to achieve your performance targets together. In the process, it is important to me to identify and harmonise individual, team-specific and company-relevant targets.


Following detailed clarification of the task with all those involved, the process is planned and a coordinated package of methods is drafted. This can include training elements and conflict moderation alongside team workshops and coaching units.

In the team development workshop, the participants reflect on and clarify their work relations and, in a playful way, are made aware of their team dynamic in order to be able to communicate more effectively and handle internal conflicting interests more respectfully in future. In this way, the teams sustainably develop their abilities in independent problem solving and decision making.


  • Role clarity and differentiation of task and responsibility areas
  • Increasing productivity
  • Dealing with leadership
  • Development of a communication culture
  • Conflict resolution and trust building
  • Adjustment and development of new professional process workflows
  • Development and realisation of targets and visions

In a free, non-binding initial discussion, we confidentially clarify your wishes and analyse your exact situation. I look forward to talking to you.

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